

来源: u专家 日期: 2024-05-16 06:30 人气: -



1.将准备好的u盘启动盘插入电脑的usb接口,然后重启电脑。出现开机画面时,用一键u盘启动快捷键进入u expert主菜单界面,选择【03】运行u专家win03pe增强版,按enter键执行,如下图所示:





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  1. 模型: C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia/twcms/model/
  2. 视图: C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia/twcms/view/default/article_show.htm
  3. 控制器: C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia/twcms/control/show_control.class.php
  4. 日志目录: C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia/twcms/runtime/logs/
  5. 当前页面: C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\index.php
  6. 当前时间: 2024-07-27 16:28:49
  7. 当前网协:
  8. 请求路径: /index.php?show--cid-7-id-2181.html
  9. 运行时间: 0.0313
  10. 内存开销: 603.83 KB
  1. #0 [time:0.0000s] SET character_set_connection=utf8, character_set_results=utf8, character_set_client=binary, sql_mode=''
  2. #1 [time:0.0000s] SELECT * FROM tw_runtime WHERE k='cate_7' LIMIT 1 [explain type: const | rows: 1]
  3. #2 [time:0.0000s] SELECT * FROM tw_runtime WHERE k='cfg' LIMIT 1 [explain type: const | rows: 1]
  4. #3 [time:0.0000s] SELECT * FROM tw_cms_article WHERE id='2181' LIMIT 1 [explain type: const | rows: 1]
  5. #4 [time:0.0000s] SELECT * FROM tw_cms_article_data WHERE id='2181' LIMIT 1 [explain type: const | rows: 1]
  6. #5 [time:0.0000s] SELECT id FROM tw_cms_article WHERE cid='7' AND id<'2181' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1 [explain type: range | rows: 2073]
  7. #6 [time:0.0000s] SELECT * FROM tw_cms_article WHERE id='2180' [explain type: const | rows: 1]
  8. #7 [time:0.0000s] SELECT id FROM tw_cms_article WHERE cid='7' AND id>'2181' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,1 [explain type: range | rows: 373]
  9. #8 [time:0.0000s] SELECT * FROM tw_cms_article WHERE id='2182' [explain type: const | rows: 1]
  10. #9 [time:0.0000s] SELECT * FROM tw_kv WHERE k='navigate' LIMIT 1 [explain type: const | rows: 1]
  11. #10 [time:0.0000s] SELECT id FROM tw_cms_article WHERE cid='7' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,10 [explain type: ref | rows: 2448]
  12. #11 [time:0.0000s] SELECT * FROM tw_cms_article WHERE id='2467' OR id='2466' OR id='2465' OR id='2464' OR id='2463' OR id='2462' OR id='2461' OR id='2460' OR id='2459' OR id='2458' [explain type: range | rows: 10]
  13. #12 [time:0.0156s] SELECT * FROM tw_runtime WHERE k='cate_2' LIMIT 1 [explain type: const | rows: 1]
  14. #13 [time:0.0000s] SELECT * FROM tw_runtime WHERE k='cate_3' LIMIT 1 [explain type: const | rows: 1]
  1. #control => show
  2. #action => index
  3. #cid => 7
  4. #id => 2181
      1. #0 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\index.php
      2. #1 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\kongphp\kongphp.php
      3. #2 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\config\config.inc.php
      4. #3 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\kongphp\base\base.func.php
      5. #4 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\kongphp\base\core.class.php
      6. #5 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\kongphp\base\debug.class.php
      7. #6 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\kongphp\base\log.class.php
      8. #7 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\kongphp\base\model.class.php
      9. #8 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\kongphp\base\view.class.php
      10. #9 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\kongphp\base\control.class.php
      11. #10 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\kongphp\db\db.interface.php
      12. #11 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\kongphp\db\db_mysql.class.php
      13. #12 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\kongphp\cache\cache.interface.php
      14. #13 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\kongphp\cache\cache_memcache.class.php
      15. #14 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\config\plugin.inc.php
      16. #15 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\plugin\editor_um\conf.php
      17. #16 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\plugin\tw_links\conf.php
      18. #17 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\runtime\twcms_control\show_control.class.php
      19. #18 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\runtime\twcms_model\category_model.class.php
      20. #19 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\runtime\twcms_model\runtime_model.class.php
      21. #20 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\runtime\twcms_model\cms_content_model.class.php
      22. #21 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\runtime\twcms_view\default,article_show.htm.php
      23. #22 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\runtime\twcms_model\cms_content_data_model.class.php
      24. #23 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\runtime\twcms_model\kv_model.class.php
      25. #24 C:\wwwroot\uzhuanjia\twcms\kongphp\tpl\sys_trace.php